All Readers Are Different

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Do you like action packed adventure filled books? If so, The Hobbit is a book that includes fighting orcs, attacking a dragon, and obtaining a ring that makes you invisible.  The book and Bilbo’s adventure starts when Gandalf visits him at Bag End, bringing many dwarves. Gandalf and the dwarves needed Bilbo’s help as a thief to take back the dwarf castle from the dragon.  The dwarves were serious about taking back their castle, and they were not afraid of creatures that could get in their way including orcs. This is because they were skillful with weapons and had mass amounts of courage. Later on in the book, Bilbo found what he had not found before, a feeling of courage. He also learns how to wield weapons including small daggers. On the adventure to the dwarf castle,  Bilbo played a game with Gollum to win a ring which later on he found out turned him invisible.  The invisibility ring helped him steal an item from inside the castle to help the dwarves awaken and kill the dragon. I think the reason I enjoyed this book so much was because it was action packed and full of complex characters.

The Hobbit consists of my favorite genres mostly adventure lined with different fantasy elements. The reason I like fantasy is because of the journeys, unique characters, and interesting plots. One of these fantasy books includes the Wings of Fire series. In this series, dragons roam the earth having supernatural  abilities. In the beginning, these five dragons, which are the main characters, escape their home where their guardians have held them captive. After their escape, they flew around the earth until they were caught in the Fire Kingdom’s prison and ultimately had to fight to the death against other dragons. This is a fantasy, because of the unearthly traits including talking dragons with different magical abilities.  Some of their magical abilities were breathing fire, breathing underwater, swimming super fast, and creating ice. The fantasy genre is always fun to read, because of the amazing world building, themes of exploration and magical powers.

The most recent book I’ve read is A Tale Dark and Grimm, which is a fairy tale mixed with a fantasy. I loved this book because all of the characters have strong personalities and character traits. Hansel and Gretel were the main characters, and every other chapter the perspective of the book was flipped between the two. Both Hansel and Gretel started out not as intelligent and courageous as they will be later on in the book, because they trusted an old lady who put them in an oven and tried to eat them. Several adventures passed including their parents cutting Hansel and Gretel’s heads off, almost being eaten by a not so friendly baker with a gingerbread house, and Hansel turning into a werewolf.  Somehow, Hansel and Gretel survived all these crazy adventures by sewing their heads back on, throwing the baker in an oven, and I would rather not talk about the last one. Hansel and Gretel survived these adventures by slowly developing their intelligence and gaining courage.

Normally, I read fantasy, but I decided to try fiction which led me to read Sting by Jude WatsonThis book is part of the Loot series. In this series March McQuin’s father suddenly passes after a mysterious figure pushes him off a roof.  As he fell to the ground, jewels of all different types fell out of his pockets. A year ago in the book, March and his crew had secured 20 million dollars worth of jewels and now are retired criminals. Their “uncle” sends them on a mission to collect diamonds for him to sell in Europe.  On that mission, March grabs a mysterious blue sapphire instead of grabbing the requested diamonds. When he and his sister Jules returned to their safe house, they hear weird noises around them. March and Jules asked crew members Darrius and Izzy if they were making these noises.  If you want to find out the ending of this mysterious heist, check out Sting by Jude Watson.

Looking back, I’ve read the Hobbit, A Tale Dark & Grimm, Wings of Fire and now Sting.  Each of these books bring excitement, cliffhangers, and overall entertainment.  I recommend all of these books to people who love getting lost in imaginary worlds.

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